2 BHK villas for rent in Tirumalagiri that have the best schools, hospitals, shopping centres. These facilities are under a 5km radius of the villas making it live without any difficulties for the family. Housingbuddy offers the villas at the best rental price of ₹26,000 per month and the maintenance amount of Rs.1500 per month. The villa is connected to the major cities like Hyderabad within less than 1hr to the major cities and also with the metro station in Tirumalagiri making it comfortable for the families to travel into the cities. For more details visit our website Housingbuddy.
Anyone looking for a quiet and safe environment will love this apartment. You can have a pleasant stay in a safe neighborhood and well-maintained building. Renters with a limited budget will be pleased by the low deposit and rental. With 24/7 water and power supply, you can live a stress-free life.
Villas at Tirumalagiri are affordable and convenient. The area is well-connected and it’s easy to reach shopping centers, hospitals, and schools. Houseingbuddy provides a mix of sub urban comfort and urban convenience. This is a great location for families as well as professionals who work in the Employee hub and the amenities make each and every age group to live and enjoy living in these villas.
What is the rent of villas in Tirumalagiri?
To get the details of rent of the villas in Tirumalagiri you can call for more details visit our website or contact us through this number+91 9618623143.
What is the square feet area of the Villa?
It is 1250 SQ.FT and offers a comfortable living space, comfortable bedroom.
How can I get more Details?
Reach out to Housingbuddy for detailed information and inquiries about the villa.
Should we pay any amount before booking the villa?
Yes you need to pay the security amount to book the villa for rent.
Nearby transportation hubs in Tirumalagiri?
Transportation hubs in Tirumalagiri are:
What is the age of the villa?
a)The age of construction of the villa is 10-15 years.
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