S R I Bliss is the best gated community located in Puppalaguda. 3 BHK Flats are available in S R I Bliss and there are total 15 units in this community. 3 BHK Flats are of area 2225 SQ-FT. It consists of 3 luxury bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. People who are interested in sports can enjoy sports amenities and there both indoor and outdoor amenities, to spend time and play with children we have a very good convenient playgrounds. Children’s Play Area, Vastu Compliant, 24×7 CCTV Surveillance, 24X7 Water Supply, Closed Car Parking and Chess Board are the amenities provided by the S R I Bliss. If you want to know more about the Flat details then you can contact to HousingBuddy, we make sure you invest in the best property.
Connectivity : Puppalaguda is the well connected to other parts of the Hyderabad and is located near the Outer Ring Road which is easy to travel other parts of the city. And is also close to Gachibowli and HITEC City.
Residential : There are lot of apartments, independent houses and gated communities located in Puppalaguda . Compared to other cities it is the most peaceful city.
Facilities : There are lot of public amenities in Puppalaguda like schools Santosh Reddy International Schools, Kairos Global School, restaurants, parks and Hospitals .
Infrastructure : Puppalaguda is the most developed city and even infrastructure development like roads, water supply and Electricity. Because of the development in schools and hospitals it the most attractive city for residentials.
How much is the area of 3 BHK in S R I Bliss?
The total area of a 3 BHK in S R I Bliss is 2225 SQ.FT.
What is the price of 3 BHK in S R I Bliss?
The price of 3 BHK in S R I Bliss is Rs.1.25 Cr
What are the amenities provided by the S R I Bliss ?
S R I Bliss provides lot of amenities like Children’s Play Area, Vastu Compliant, Lift, Closed Car Parking and Chess Board, etc.
How can i schedule a visit to the Flat in S R I Bliss ?
You can contact to HousingBuddy if you want to visit a Flat and want to know more details about the Flat you can contact us.
When is the opening of the S R I Bliss ?
S R I Bliss has almost completed construction, and will be opening from 2024.
How many floors are there in S R I Bliss ?
There are 15 units and each unit has 6 floors in S R I Bliss.
Are there any other projects near S R I Bliss ?
Yes, AE Sun Glow, Ideal Skandha Block A, Awadhpuri, Shiva LA Greens and JVR Vijay Avenue are the near by projects to S R I Bliss.
Is Puppalaguda a safe place to live ?
According to the community people and the outsiders Puppalaguda is the safe and peaceful & comfortable place to live.
Are the amenities easily accessible for the people who are living in Puppalaguda ?
Yes, In recent years Puppalaguda has grown and development like schools, Hospitals, Parks and restaurants.
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