Discover comfort and convenient lifestyle in this luxurious 4 BHK flat in Rajendra Nagar. It has 4 Bedrooms and bathrooms. People looking for balanced lifestyle these apartments are the best place to live with all luxury amenities like schools Aditya Talent School, Krishi High School, Alphabetz International Pre-school and Aarambh School and for entertainment purpose and relaxation we have cinema halls, parks and very good restaurants. We also have the best health care specialist hospitals like Indira Hospital, Tejaswini Holistic Clinic Children’s and Ayurvedic care and Ramaiah Hospital. There are also amenities which are being provided by these apartments both indoor and outdoor Table Tennis, Squash Court, Badminton Court and Children’s Play Area. If you want to know more about the Flat details you can contact to HousingBuddy, we help you to invest in the best property.
Features of our Flat
Flooring : Living and dining room has vitrified flooring and wooden flooring for master bedrooms.
Community living : Enjoy a company with your neighbors in the community so that there will a experience living in theses apartments.
Public services : All types of public services are available in this area like schools, restaurants, parks, Hospitals and super markets.
Water and electricity supply: There is no problem for water and power in these apartments, 24*7 water supply and power backups are there.
Connectivity: Rajendra Nagar is well connected to other parks of the city. The PV Narasimha Rao Expressway (ORR) and the Inner Ring Road pass nearby.
What is the price of this 4 BHK Flat in Rajendra Nagar ?
The price of 4 BHK in Rajendra Nagar is ₹ 2.01 Cr
How much is the area of 4 BHK ?
The total area of a 4 BHK in Rajendra Nagar is 3269 sq.ft.
What are the possession status and possession date of this Flat?
The possession status of this Flat is Under Construction and is available from 2028.
How many floors are available in this apartment ?
There are 6 towers with 17 floors in this apartment.
What are the amenities provided by this apartment in Rajendra Nagar ?
Lot of amenities are being provided by the project like Kids Area, Car Parking, Water Supply, CCTV, Power Backup, Lift, etc.
How can I make a visit to the Flat ?
You can contact to HousingBuddy if you want to know more details about the Flat and visit the property, we help you to invest in the best property.
Where are these apartments located ?
Raja Royal Orchids is located in Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad.
Are there any access of public facilities to the people who are living in residentials ?
Yes, There is availability of public amenities like Schools, Restaurants, Parks and Hospitals.
Which is the Flat facing and is the Flat furnished ?
This Flat is of East facing and the Flat is unfurnished.
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